
Featured, Homepage Enhanced Listings & Packages

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  • Version 9
    Eric Howard
    0 points

    First off…For being a PAID theme, I find it unbelievable you are unable to add your own Enhanced listing features or have some more customization. A free listing plugin I’ve used in the past has allowed this… But maybe I’m seeing something wrong, so maybe someone can help explain. I will tell you what I’m trying to do:
    I have 3 Packages:
    FREE listings – which get no featured or homepage exposure
    Premier listings – which get a spot on the homepage under a Primer Listing Title
    Featured Listings – which gets a spot under a Featured listing title

    However, in the package features when you set it up under Listing Enhancements I only see a Front Page Exposure option, NO featured listing option. But when you are adding a listing from the admin, there is a Featured listing option. I do not want this option available for for a user signing up for the Premier or Free listings. That doesn’t seem to be the case.

    Since this doesn’t seem to be very customizable, I was going to set it up so that the Front Page Exposure is really the Premier Listings, so on the homepage I used the following code: [LISTINGS meta_key=frontpage&meta_value=yes&post_type=listing_type&posts_per_page=10] However, the featured listings are showing up also, not just the chosen frontpage enhanced. I cannot seem to put in the right code to remove the featured listing.

    For the featured listings section I was using [LISTINGS orderby=”post_title” order=”desc” grid=”no” featuredonly=”yes”] which worked perfectly and only shows the featured listing.

    I hope it makes sense what I’m trying to do and hope someone out there can provide me with some answers and or direction.

    July 31, 2014 at 6:30 pm
  • Mario Rios
    0 points
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    July 31, 2014 at 8:14 pm
  • Eric Howard
    0 points
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    August 1, 2014 at 6:26 pm



