
A few issues on our website

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  • Version 9
    Doron Reichman
    0 points

    Hey, we encountered some issues on our website and most appreciate your help to fix these issues.

    Our website :

    1. On membership PayPal payments the payment screen looks bad, how can we change it’s design?

    2. On membership PayPal payments a user must create or log in with a PayPal account, why there isn’t a credit card option like most PayPal payments screen? How can it be fixed?

    3. A user can choose as many membership as the user wish, that’s a bug.

    4. If the user selected a paid membership there’s no way for the user to cancel or change anything, the user can’t even get through to the My Account screen, a downgrade package option at lease is a option the theme must have.

    5. If a certain membership allows only 1 resume, as soon as the user publish the first and only one resume he wants, he still gets a message which mention he already excceded the max. resumes he should upload. Of course the resume gets uploaded, but the notification for the user is wrong.

    6. Why on default setting new accounts are defined “Not available for hire”? It doesn’t make any sense, plus there is no way to change it from the admin panel which we’ve noticed.

    7. On the setup screen, the search doesn’t seem to effect anything, plus is there an advanced search?

    8. The search should search all content and find as many related keyword as it can, but it actually searches only the main resume title, that’s a big issue.

    9. Some sliders doesn’t work right for the homepage and just showing up the slides one below the other.

    Thanks for all the help.

    November 7, 2013 at 7:34 am
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