
About search…

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  • Version 9
    Brian Jester
    0 points

    Can someone tell me if how the search is tied into the add listings page, meaning if you add a listing in Los Angeles California, the search (location) drop down on the frontend will auto populate that location as opposed to actually having to add that location manually (via admin) is that considered Google map integrated, or was that idea specific to the premium press classified theme?

    I really have to admit, I have been looking around for a similar search, but all I see is in the admin page, the listing link which then shows the location link to manually add the country, state and cities manually and these other classified themes say they are Google map integrated. My point, I want to be open since alot of fixes need to be done in premium press, but I absolutely love the search feature, highly important for my site.


    January 27, 2016 at 4:49 am
  • Dave Dawson
    0 points
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    January 27, 2016 at 11:06 am
  • Mark Fail
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    January 27, 2016 at 12:25 pm



