
Upgrade to couponpress responisve theme good or bad idea?

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  • Version 9
    Audree Augustus
    0 points

    I am not sure what happens to some of my posts so I hope this isnt redundant however, I need to know if by upgrading to the responsive theme would be ok for me since I was having so many issues after the 3.6 update etc. I fixed a lot of the problems but there are still some annoying leftovers and I would just rather be done with the repairs and get to the fun part again. After all the research I think I would prefer the new responsive coupon theme anyhow. So will it work and rid my site of its troubles, do i get to replace the old or is it an add on and if so, am I just asking for trouble and applying a band-aid that wont stick or fix it at all? What can you suggest please?

    August 16, 2013 at 8:16 am
  • Audree Augustus
    0 points
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    August 17, 2013 at 6:22 am



