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Version 9
Harry James
0 points
Is it possible to incorporate a tracker that will let admin know how many views click through to client site?
I am constantly being asked my conversation / click through rate this would help greatly. Also I have free clients who I would like to ‘invite’ to upgrade to a paid listing but have no proof of visitors I am sending to their site.
The views / hits is very misleading as it counts about anything that looks at the page. One of my rivals appears to have lots of hits yet I consistently outperform them in the Search Engines.
Is it possible to incorporate a tracker that will let admin know how many views click through to client site?
I am constantly being asked my conversation / click through rate this would help greatly. Also I have free clients who I would like to ‘invite’ to upgrade to a paid listing but have no proof of visitors I am sending to their site.
The views / hits is very misleading as it counts about anything that looks at the page. One of my rivals appears to have lots of hits yet I consistently outperform them in the Search Engines.
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