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Version 9
James D
0 points
PP Team,
Here’s just one example of settings being saved/reset in a different section than where changes are being made. I just added a couple coupons then went to change google settings. Video
This has also happened while changing a setting under Design Setup. I’d make a change, like page assign, under the Configuration, then go to Design Setup and make a change to the header or search options, then it resets the Configuration settings.
This is from a new DT 9.4.3 install with the LayerDir child theme (similar has happened with the default theme as well)
PP Team,
Here’s just one example of settings being saved/reset in a different section than where changes are being made. I just added a couple coupons then went to change google settings. Video
This has also happened while changing a setting under Design Setup. I’d make a change, like page assign, under the Configuration, then go to Design Setup and make a change to the header or search options, then it resets the Configuration settings.
This is from a new DT 9.4.3 install with the LayerDir child theme (similar has happened with the default theme as well)