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  • Version 9
    Brian Christoffersen
    0 points

    Hey All,
    I have a little mystery I’d like to solve. I have CP, and when I set up a test site, I downloaded the logo.png file from my theme which read CouponPress theme by Mark Fail. I thought I’d change it to the title of my site, and planned to have to rebuild the file in photoshop elements, but I found that I was able to simply click on the text, backspace/delete what was there and type my new text. I was surprised by that, but thought that must be a new feature in pse9. Now, if I try to do the same thing, it can’t be done. From everything I can gather, it never should have been possible to begin with. I’ve reviewed the process, I’m sure there was no other software in play, and I’m sure that it happened as described, in fact I edited it a second time, so I now have 3 versions of that file, all have the same font, color, size, shading, etc. and I’m wondering if it was all a dream… wait, no, I have the files to prove it. The only difference is the original file came from 7.1.3, which I don’t have on any site anymore, but the logo.png file is in lots of folders, and the files all carry the original install date on the test site, so I don’t think they were modified when I brought the site up to 7.1.4.
    There’s a good chance that I’m missing something obvious, I’m not a graphics expert by a long shot, but it just seems weird, mostly that it ever worked- all the info I can find online says you can’t edit .png files.
    Anyone care to comment? Thanks

    July 8, 2013 at 9:35 pm
  • Richard Bonk
    -1 points
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    July 8, 2013 at 9:45 pm



