
Need to access/extract packageID value from plugin

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  • Version 9
    Mark Reid
    0 points

    Hi There,

    I am trying to access the packageID value within a plugin namely “NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster”

    First off I’m a novice when it comes to php coding, so please forgive any newbie errors.

    I am adding social media auto posting to the excellent Classifieds theme, which this script does pretty well. However I need to be able to filter at a package level which it currently doesn’t appear to do (not yet anyway). I think I can achieve it by adding an if statement in the appropriate place in there main php script.

    Could someone let me know how I can extract the packageID value (listing package chosen), I’ve tried

    $packageID_value = get_post_meta($postID,’packageID’,true);
    echo $packageID_value;

    and a few variations of with no success.

    I’m guessing as it’s not a core plugin I need to either use a different ID or set a global variable first.

    Any and all help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

    Oh and if anyone knows an alternate solution that will allow me to autopost to social media (Facebook and Twitter mainly) at a listing package level that’d be great too.

    August 16, 2016 at 12:50 pm
  • Josh njenga
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    August 16, 2016 at 1:37 pm
  • Mark Reid
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    August 16, 2016 at 1:43 pm



