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Version 9
0 points
Overall I am very pleased with this theme, there have been some bugs but nothing one shouldn’t expect. However, a couple of items in the design could be better. For instance, when people are looking at auction listings they can’t see what the current bid price is. That is a problem for my community. Secondly, the bid count icon and number is nearly invisible, shouldn’t this be bolder and brighter? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Overall I am very pleased with this theme, there have been some bugs but nothing one shouldn’t expect. However, a couple of items in the design could be better. For instance, when people are looking at auction listings they can’t see what the current bid price is. That is a problem for my community. Secondly, the bid count icon and number is nearly invisible, shouldn’t this be bolder and brighter? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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