
Indian Spam……

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  • Version 9
    Trev Brunskill
    0 points

    So some how my email ended up in the Odesk Profile link on my premiumpress account after recently having my account details moved to a new VIP package account so anyone could farm my email via the button under my avatar here.

    Now I am getting bucket loads of spam mail from Indian ‘web designers’

    Suggest everyone check their accounts on here if they’ve started getting a tonne of email starting with ‘hello I am (insert name) a web designer from india’

    Extremely annoying I have to say. >:(

    If you’re an indian template spammer……. I mean web developer, and you got my email from my profile, please lose it. I have no interest in your services or your spam mail and I have better things to do than spend my days blocking a billion email addresses.

    Going to be a nightmare to shut down my email account and move all registered services with it to a new one which it looks like I may have to do.

    April 6, 2016 at 2:45 am
  • Richard Corfield
    0 points
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    April 6, 2016 at 2:57 am
  • Trev Brunskill
    0 points
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    This reply is for PremiumPress customers only.

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    May 5, 2016 at 2:02 am



