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Version 9
Joseph F
0 points
Hello, I have been work on this for a while. New York City directory for heating and plumbing products from local supply stores and plumbing and heating service providers. https://www.nyheatingexchange.com/ Just a question if any one can answer. i used a redirect plugin so when someone clicks on a listing is goes directly to the website of the business or their product website so a visitor does not have to use the visit store button. Should I still work on seo for all the listings or is seo affected by the redirect.
Hello, I have been work on this for a while. New York City directory for heating and plumbing products from local supply stores and plumbing and heating service providers. https://www.nyheatingexchange.com/ Just a question if any one can answer. i used a redirect plugin so when someone clicks on a listing is goes directly to the website of the business or their product website so a visitor does not have to use the visit store button. Should I still work on seo for all the listings or is seo affected by the redirect.
Thank You
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