
EmployeePress Request

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  • Version 9
    Michael Raymount
    0 points

    Hello Mark,

    I would dearly like to see the ability to escrow funds/credits put up by employers against the unfinished future works of the employee … that is to say a bid is accepted on a job by the employer who then deposits into the escrow account the value of the accepted bid … the employee upon completion of the job to the satisfaction of the employer is then credited those “credits” into his/her account thereby providing a degree of security for those concerned.

    In addition to that feature (perhaps as plugins) the ability for both parties to enter into a formal dispute resolution/conciliation process in the event of what will be from time to time disagreement on whats acceptable to both parties.

    I look forward to the future, ohh and if these could be ready for download in the next few days I’d be over the moon. 😆

    Kind Regards … Michael.

    July 10, 2013 at 1:36 pm
  • Mark Fail
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    July 11, 2013 at 5:36 am
  • Michael Raymount
    0 points
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    July 12, 2013 at 3:05 pm



