Set up a modern and impressive WordPress theme for your Auction website in no time. Get Phone Auction Now!
This child theme is designed for the Auction Theme framework.
The Auctions - Phones child theme is a responisve, SEO friendly template add-on for the Auction Theme framework.
To use this child theme you must have purchased the Auction Theme framework and have it installed on your WordPress website.
Once installed you can then install this child theme via the WordPress admin area or via the direct download link opposite.
For help with installation, see the video tutorial here.
Phone Auction is clever and well-built, sophisticated and colorful Auction WordPress theme. It includes powerful options, user-friendly designed layout and fully packed theme that is clean and easy to navigate.
The theme is 100% responsive, as well as compatible with all modern web browsers and any mobile devices such as tablets and mobile phones. Plus, the theme is SEO friendly, it helps boosts your website to get its rank higher in search engines.
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