
User types override Memberships?

  • Version 10
    Jason Currier
    20 points

    I am not a developer and have very little experience, but I have auctions 10.8.6. But I am finding that the user types override my memberships. Is anyone else having this problem?

    I have a membership that allows users to create 3 auctions a month under a paid membership, but the user types allow them to create as many as they want for free. If I uncheck the “multiple listings” under the assigned user type, they can only create one for free even though they have paid for three with their membership. If I uncheck the “can create ads”, then they can create none and the system stops them from accessing the page even though their membership is for three. It seems that the newly adjusted user types in the latest version have created an issue with overriding memberships; and I can no longer create limited memberships, it is all or nothing. Has anyone got a fix to this?

    Secondly, I have never been able to figure out how, if someone has 3 listings per month according to their membership, how they can create a fourth in the same month as a pay per auction? Anyone have any advice on this? What I can do to create an option for pay per auction?

    I hope that I am not the only one who has run into these issues.

    July 15, 2022 at 6:35 pm



