
Unsubscribe from this forum's email updates

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  • Version 9
    Karin Ransdell
    0 points

    I wish to stop receiving email every time someone posts a topic in this forum. At the bottom of every email is the message:

    You are receiving this email because you subscribed to a forum.
    Login and visit the topic to unsubscribe from these emails.

    Yet there is no obvious opt-out mechanism. Not in account, not in the forum itself, options for just about anything except changing your name and email address are lacking.

    The only option I see is on the topic post itself which has a box for notifications on that particular post, which is not checked. I only receive notifications on an original post.

    On the bottom right of the forums screen is ‘My Profile’ > ‘My Topics’> which eventually leads to a page that has a link for ‘Subscriptions’, but it only shows a list of posts, no mechanism to stop the subscription.

    I want it to STOP.

    Please advise how to do this.
    Thank you.

    April 18, 2019 at 8:05 pm
  • James D
    0 points
    Members Only Content

    This reply is for PremiumPress customers only.

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    April 18, 2019 at 8:30 pm



