
Need Some Help with a coupon site..

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  • Version 9
    Andrew Coviello
    0 points

    If anyone can help me I would be so grateful. I am tech savey but not a programmer. I bought the couponpress website. There are a few things I need help with.

    1. I am using icodes to add coupon content. I notice that on my page one particular merchant is hogging of the page. Is there anything I can do about that?

    2. I am trying to get ride of the text at the bottom where is says “example footer widget”. Cant seem to find how to do that.

    3. Finally, I am sing Commission Junction right now. I know I need to go and become a member. After that, how do I incorporate that into icodes so I cant paid. Basically, how do I make it so when they click a merchant I will be paid. A little confused about this. I would like to have a site that generates a little money. Not looking for a windfall, just some fun and a hobby.

    thanks for reading..

    November 26, 2016 at 6:12 pm
  • Errol Hutchinson
    -2 points
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    November 29, 2016 at 7:08 am



