
Hide All pricing in shop theme

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  • Version 9
    Darryn McGarry
    0 points

    Hey guys,

    This is a long shot but I am hoping the following can be easily achieved to create a quoting system with no pricing shown.

    First I would like to hide all pricing on the product pages but keep the add to cart button

    Then I would also like to hide the qty selection and stock availability option on the product page but keep the add to cart and add to favourites button

    Then I would either like to completely hide the my cart square at the top right corner or just hide the pricing.

    And lastly in the checkout area I would like to hide the Price column and the price totals rows and columns and also the step 3 payment method so the customer can select all the items for a quotation and email it through as a quotation enquiry rather than an order.

    Not asking much 🙂 but hopefully this is possible to save me having to look for another theme.

    Many Thanks,

    May 22, 2017 at 9:42 am
  • Josh njenga
    -10 points
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    May 23, 2017 at 3:54 pm



