Whats the difference between User and Developer Licenses?

Here is an overview of the 2 license types we offer;

1. User License

A user license grants that "user" unlimited theme installations on domain names that "user" owns and is the sole owner of, a license cannot be resold or given away.

2. Developer License

A developer license grants that "user" unlimited theme installations on any number domain names for their own use or as part of a paid project. The developer license cannot be resold, given away or used to resell our software.

Which one should I buy?

The developer license is only required if you plan to sell websites, for example, website developers or users who are flipping/building websites for resale.

If you only intend to use the theme on your own websites for your own business, a single user license is all you need.

Can I sell websites using the developer license?

Please refer to this page on flipping/selling websites;
