
Phone field in visitor submission page assigned to users not to listings

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  • Version 9
    Arthur Mayer
    0 points

    Problem: Need to have users phone for all users (not a listing contact phone) and also to keep on visitor registration.
    Solution until now: none. You kill “Allow visitor submission” or you don’t get the users phones, only the contact phones for that listing they submit.

    I’ve added a phone field in General Setup > Registration, required.
    When manually creating the account it works fine, it is required and registered.

    It seems I have 2 “phone” database keys, one into Registration, required and one into Custom fields area, they probably are in different tables? It would be nice at least to have them identical, if as a visitor you register a new account by directly adding the listing instead of manually registering, you don’t have to complete ANY of the fields you specified at General Setup > Registration, even if they are required.

    Also, on a side note, if you already have an account with the same email registered into the website, it would be nicer that you would be notified about that without the system posting your listing without the image attached; because that is happening if you have an account and you post logged out from it, from the visitors page, with the same email: your listing is still posted as if it where from you, the image is dropped and it just looks ugly. Also it says there is an account with the same email. After the listing is posted. So, if Obama has an account on my page, I can still post in he’s name as a visitor, provided I have he’s email address, only it doesn’t post pictures.

    Maybe there is some answer to these problems, aside from turning off visitor submissions.


    Thank you.

    May 25, 2015 at 11:08 am
  • Arthur Mayer
    0 points
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