
How to Prevent Sub Categories from appearing on the home page

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  • Version 9
    Liz Liz
    13 points

    I am using Classified theme.

    With the Default layout for December child
    The Parent categories display nicely with icon images on the home page.
    Everything displays well.

    However, Today I needed to add a few sub categories to one of the parent categories in
    Admin back end> Listing Manage> Categories.

    Then when I next looked at the site home page I noticed that Sub categories are also showing and have messed up my home page to make it longer to scroll, appart from the fact I don’t want Sub categories showing on the home page.

    I have searched through all setting and cant find where to turn off. so that ONLY parent categories show as they were before I added a few sub categories.

    I also found while looking in >Theme set up> Show sub categories – the description of this setting says (Turn ON if you want to display sub categories (if available) above search results).

    However this is not the setting i need, as it only turns on and off exactly as the description says, (Above Search results) this is not what I need.

    I need to remove sub categories from displaying on the home page.

    I am grateful for any help. Hopefully without having to customize the theme!


    April 1, 2017 at 12:11 pm
  • Liz Liz
    13 points
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