
First name is not followed by Last name on account management screen

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  • Version 9
    Todd Ebner
    0 points

    If i choose to have the option “show first/last name” set to yes in the user setup area, then these fields show up in the account management page.

    This is the behavior I want, however, When the user goes to add their name, the system moves down the left column instead of across from first name to last name.

    Can this behavior be changed in an admin setting somewhere? or does the css need customized?

    What is the recommended change? I don’t care if it goes left to right or down the left column, i just want last name to come after first name in tab sequence. so it could be that we need to move the last name field below the first name and above the email.


    July 27, 2016 at 5:45 am
  • Josh njenga
    -10 points
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    July 28, 2016 at 1:10 pm



