
Advance searching

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  • Version 9
    gregory broomfield
    0 points

    I have publish a post about the need for some message within the advanced search area to show that the database is busy loading the files.

    It makes no sense you search for usa and when those states are show and you switch to france, you are still seeing usa states.

    My site is still a work in progress, but just look at this nice website load the countries and then the states and you will see what I am talking about.

    New features are great, but sometimes it makes sense to fine tune what exist already. If there is no fix, does any one know of a plugin that could just temporary disable the fields until the correct data is shown. It is annoying doing a search by country and this is happening. Some messages would be great also. (No results found, Please wait while we retrieve your search results)

    April 26, 2015 at 3:10 am
  • Josh njenga
    -10 points
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    April 26, 2015 at 1:23 pm



